Glen Rowan

(6 customer reviews)

Set in the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands, with the famous Loch Ness in the North of the mighty ‘Great Glen’, and Ben Nevis the highest mountain of the British Isles, at the other end, this is a story of the author’s ancestors during the 18th century. Get your copy of the book on…


Set in the Rugged Scottish Highlands in 1740, in a glen very few people ever travelled, lived the MacDonell clan.  Their life was one of hard daily toil just to survive.  From this clan two children would emerge to become Scottish heroes. Thirteen year old Sarah and her eleven year old younger brother Ian Og as he was known would begin their adventure when they were on a rare day trip to the town of Maryburgh accompanied by their uncle Angus. The pair witness two soldiers from the local Fort William, thrashing a boy soldier not much older than themselves.

They instinctively rush to his aid and rescue him from the beating, and the three of them are pursued through the town by the soldiers. Alistair Glic, a fisherman, helps them escape, but he is more than he appears at first.  He is, in fact, in the service of Bonnie Prince Charles and the Jacobite army.  Before long Sarah and Ian Og find themselves entangled in the events that shaped Scotland’s history. Inspired by family stories passed down through the generations, author Anne L. MacDonell tells us how their lives changed that day and how they would go on to become heroes of Scotland.  Their story is one of drama and intrigue, battles, romance and betrayals.

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6 reviews for Glen Rowan

  1. Dylan Connors

    My heroes in this book were young siblings, Sarah and Ian Og. They were very brave against the harsh times they lived in. During their adventures they encountered all sorts of characters, some quite unsavoury. The author is a wonderful storyteller and kept me gripped the whole way through. I can’t wait for more.

  2. Shane Clifford

    There were so many parts of the book which I really liked and it is difficult to choose between them. If I am pushed I guess I would have to say I especially liked how Sarah stood up to a bully much older than her and helped to rescue the young boy.

  3. Mary Donell

    I was gripped by the drama and excitement in the story and the courage and bravery of the characters. The novel is descriptive, imaginative and informative in the ways of life in the Scottish Highlands in the 18th century

  4. Emma O’Brien

    I loved how this story unfolded. The story flowed and I appreciated the author’s use of language and the brilliant descriptions of people and scenes. Lots of drama and some hair-raising moments.

  5. Maddie Ellis

    I have just finished reading this wonderful book which was gifted to me. I just loved Sarah 13 years of age and her 11 year old brother Ian Og. I can’t wait for the next book which I see from the back of the book takes place five years later when Sarah is 18 and Ian Og is 16.

  6. Becky Smyth

    My favourite character was Sarah, a gutsy, determined young girl of 13, but I also liked her mysterious cousin Alistair who is a few years her senior. Can’t wait to see what happens between these two characters in Book 2 when Sarah is aged 18!

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