Forever a Rock ‘n‘ Roll Kid

(3 customer reviews)

Charlie McGettigan is a singer/guitarist/songwriter living in Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim, Ireland. He has written over 1,000 songs including ‘Feet of a dancer’ and ‘A bed for the night’. Performing with Paul Harrington, he won the Eurovision Song Contest 1994 with ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Kids’.

SKU: 9781739917197


If the past is a foreign country, then Charlie McGettigan is the best of tour guides. His book takes us back to Ballyshannon in the 1950s, avoiding the clichéd golden summers where sweetness and light prevailed. Instead he takes us around the back of the set to show us a ‘warts and all’ view of Irish life in what are laughingly called ‘the good old days,’ where poverty and deprivation were made worse by a dominant clerical presence and an often brutal schooling system that together succeeded in driving many young people away from both religion and education. Charlie pulls no punches but nevertheless manages to avoid being bitter, mixing the hard stories with heart-warming tales of childish fun from the pre-electronic days when we had to make our own.

His stories of the hard work and dedication that brought him musical success give us a snapshot of the heady days of the folk scene in Ireland in the 1970s and the 1980s, when the country seemed to be full of folk and ballad groups vying for a slice of the action. If ever the old adage of achieving overnight success after thirty years of hard graft applied to anybody, it surely applies to Charlie.

3 reviews for Forever a Rock ‘n‘ Roll Kid

  1. Marty Whelan RTE Broadcaster

    Charlie has always been the real deal. There’s laughter and sadness here.

    He writes with such depth and honesty that you feel you’re there with him. Charlie brings a soundtrack to the printed words…. Extraordinary!

  2. Maxi Entertainer & Broadcaster

    Well done, Charlie, you have captured a world of heady triumphs, backstage happenings and unseen surprises that perpetually rivet the reader. A rich collection of laugh-out-loud and bite-back-tears. Personal stories from the man who has the heart of an artist and the feet of a dancer.

  3. Seamus O’Rourke Author / Storyteller

    This book has got Charlie’s towering presence oozing from every page… and with its unique QR codes dotted along the journey, we get an almost 3D version of Charlie’s career. A most pleasant read set to music! I loved it.

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